Best University In Bilaspur

Hostel Facility

The University provides separate accommodations for both boys and girls from outside Bilaspur. The campus incorporates residential buildings in close proximity to the departments, library, and classrooms to facilitate easy access. All rooms are well-furnished and come with an attached bath. Mess facilities are also available, for which separate monthly payments will be accrued from the respective students. The student must submit his preferences for accommodations early in the process of admission.

Currently, the university's hostel houses more than 150 students. The hostel has all the facilities, including a main office, a security room, and a guest house. It has all the basic amenities so that the students can get a comfortable place to rest after a tiring day. Common rooms are provided with TV sets, carom boards, and other recreational and amusement facilities. The University also runs a fleet of buses to help students and staff members commute easily.


Currently, the hostel block houses more than 150 students. All hostels comprise a main office, a security room, and a guest house. The two boys’ blocks are called Tagore Block and Gandhi Block.


The students are provided with basic amenities like a cot, table, chair, and cupboard in their respective rooms. The rooms are spacious and airy, with a full view of the lush greenery outside the block perimeters. All Common Rooms are provided with TV sets, carrom boards, and other recreational and amusement facilities. The hostels have a 24-hour water supply and a generator to ensure constant power supply to the messes and Common Rooms. The sports grounds are situated at a close distance to encourage students to stay fit by regularly playing cricket, hockey, volley ball, football, basket ball, tennis, or by taking a simple, refreshing run along the tracks. The basketball and tennis courts are provided with flood lights to enable students to play until late in the evenings. Hostel campus maintenance like cleaning, sweeping, and pest control is outsourced. Electrical repairs and security services are available around the clock.


CVRU incorporates a dispensary block within the hostel premises with separate visiting doctors for both boys and girls.


A telephone booth with STD/ISD facilities is available near the Tagore block.


 The hostel admission is carried out on a branch and merit basis and as per State government reservation rules.

A Merit list will be prepared on the basis of marks for courses with no backlog. The students with backlogs will be given a lower priority during the room allotment procedure.

The Hostel administration reserves the right to deny or cancel admission at any stage.


 Ragging within or outside premises is strictly prohibited. Whoever directly or indirectly commits, participates in, abets, or propagates ragging within or outside grounds shall, on conviction, be punished as per the rules.

Any student convicted of an offence of ragging shall be dismissed from the educational institution, and such a student shall not be admitted to any other educational institution for a period of five years from the date of the order of such dismissal.


Raging of students, physically or mentally, is a black spot on society and is a cognizable offence. Students who have to face ragging can lose their mental stability, which in turn affects their lives negatively. All the students are requested not to commit such an inhuman act of cruelty and eradicate this evil from society completely. If any student is found involved in committing or staging such an offence, then matters will be handled with much gravity. The student may be expelled and, if required, handed over to the Police.

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