Best University In Bilaspur


Shri J. P. Choubey Central Library : Dr. C.V. Raman University Central Library was established in 2006. Central Library is the soul of the institution and it has an extensive collection of the books, scientific and technical journals and electronic reference materials for satisfying the academic and research needs of students and faculty community. The Library is the hub of academic student life on campus. Dr. C. V. Raman University houses a spacious library, stacked with approximately 50,000 books, 10000 titles and thousands of CDs, National & International journals and reports that cover all subjects pertinent to the courses. The CVRU Library consists of a Central Library & Separate Departmental Libraries to help students and faculties alike have to easy access to courses and reference materials thourgh a membership card. It opens from 10.30 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. from Monday to Saturday.

Besides a huge collection of books on Engineering, Science and Humanities, the Library has a total seating capacity of 600 with an Integrated Information System in place. All its activities include in acquisition, cataloguing, circulation and stock have been computerized.

The Central Library spreads over to ground plus first floor with an area of 10,000 Sq.Ft. It is well-protected with fire alarm and CCTV Surveillance. It has specialized collections of Books, Journals & other resources is Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Biotechnology, Humanities, Social Sciences, Law and Management ranging from printed books, e-books, back volumes and CDs/DVDs. The Central Library subscribes to National and International Journals in print and electronic form. The Library has a video conferencing facility and NPTEL video courses.

The special features of the Library is the recent collection of study materials including e-resources. The Library provides CAS, SDI, resource sharing, list of latest arrivals, On-line e-resources, OPAC Services, Central Library is automated with KOHA Library Management Software.


  •  Entry to the Library is on production of valid identity Card/Library Card.
  •  Visitors with valid passes are allowed only on weekdays from  10.30 A.M. to 5.00 P.M.
  •  Library membership card borrowed from the Library are non-transferable and borrowers are responsible for what they borrow.
  •  The documents from Reference Section are only meant for on Reference Section consultation and normally are not issued.
  •  The Library materials includes books, Magazines, Journals and audio-video equipment which should be handled with utmost care.
  •  The Library reserves the right to search any personal item and does not accept liability for loss or damage to them.
  •  All personal belongings must be kept on the provided property counter.
  •  Students/Readers shall not write on or damage books and journals. Before leaving the counter, borrowers must ensure that the book is in good condition and if not immediately bring the matter to the notice of the concerned staff.
  •  General etiquettes are expected from every member of the Library; such as singing, Loud Speaking, Shouting, spitting, sleeping, smoking etc. are strictly prohibited.
  •  Every member must enter his/her name, class, time of entry in the Gate entry register before entering the Library.
  •  The documents, which are lost by the borrower, need to be reported and replaced with latest edition of the same books with double cost of books.


  •  Library reading material borrowed is not transferable.
  •  The borrower is responsible for the books borrowed on his Library card.
  •  Absence and illness are not an acceptable excuse for exemption from paying an overdue charge.
  •  The Librarian may recall a book at any time before its due date. He may increase the overdue charge for failure to return a book when it’s due or recalled.
  •  If students do not renew or return the books issued against their name within a month of its due date, their borrowing facility may be withdrawn for a fortnight.
  •  If the Librarian considers that a borrower has not returned the books within a reasonable time of its due date as indicated in the recall notice, as the case may be, the borrower is liable to pay the cost of the book plus the prescribed overdue charge.


e-library equipped with 25PCs, offer access to online, e-journals, e-books, e-database, e-lecture videos and open sources software with useful links. User can access the contents abstracts or full text in a flexible and easy manner to use for their study. Click Here to go e-Library


  •   DELNET :The Library arranges books on loan from other libraries on specific demand. Library also provides the full text resources with the help of DELNET. CVRU Central Library is an institutional member of DELNET (Developing Library Network).
  •   Institution of Engineers : CVRU Central Library is having Life-membership of on-line resource IOE (Institution of Engineers). It gives the on-line access of resources of different branches of Engineering and Technology.
  •   National Digital Library : Central Library provides the NDL facilities for members to access e-books and e-journals.
  •   E-pathshala & E-pgpathshala : e-pgpathshala and e-pathshala is an initiative by Ministry of Human Resource Development to promote ICT based education. CVRU Central Library provide the access for e-pgpathshala and e-pathshala for members to use the resources. It is a free portal of Government of India.
  •  SWAYAM : SWAYAM is a joint initiative by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) to promote ICT based education. CVRU Central Library use to register the member of the Library on various undergraduate and post graduate online courses and allow them to go through the various video lectures of their concern courses.
  •   J-gate (Engineering & Technology) & J-gate (Social & Management Science) : Central Library is providing the facility of access online journals of J-gate (Engineering & Technology) & J-gate (Social & Management Sciences) for the research scholars and faculty. J-gate is an electronic gateway to global e-journal literature and provides access to millions of journals articles available online offerred by 13,395 publishers. It presently has a massive database of journals literature, indexed from 49,101 e-journals with links to full text.

The eligibility of book circulation for the members is given below :

MembershipBooksLoan PeriodTotal Books
Under graduate Students021 Months02
Post graduate Students031 Months03
Research Scholars042 Months04
Faculty056 Months05
Head of the Departments076 Months07


Dr. C. V. Raman University Central Library will be an excellent modern knowledge resource center to disseminate information for teaching, learning and research of the University’s diverse community by providing modern library and information services. Maintain effective National and International resource sharing network relations towards disseminating our value added information services to all the University community within the library budget limits.


  •  Year of Estiblishment : 2007
  •  Total Carpet Area : 12,378 Sq.Ft.
  •  Total Seating Capacity : 100
  •  Working Hours of Library : 10.30 A.M. to 5.00 P.M.
  •  Library Members : 5000
  •  Total No. of Books : 53507
  •  Total No. of Titles : 12538
  •  Total No. of Reference : 12538 Books
  •  Library Networking Facility : LAN, Wifi, Area Network
  •  Reprographic Facility : Xerox Rs 1/- per Page.
  •  Over dues Charges : Rs 1/- per day per book.


  •  Library offers the following Services
  •  Documentation Services
  •  Reading Room Facilities
  •  Reference Services
  •  OPAC
  •  Reprographic Services
  •  Xeroxing Facility
  •  Circulation Services
  •  Access of on-line Resources
  •  Periodical Service
  •  Internet access Information Search
  •  Library Orientation
  •  Newspaper Clipping
  •  Resource Sharing
  •  Digital Library
  •  Thesis project reports Section
  •  Circulation Section
  •  Circulation of Books

  • Reference Books :Reference Section contains reference books such as Encyclopaedia, Dictionaries, Handbooks, Bibliographies, Data Books, M. Tech. Dissertations, Ph. D. thesis etc.. These are to be referred within the Library Premises but are not for lending. The Library provides personalized short range and Long range reference services for its users.

Research Facilities available in Central Library of Dr. C. V. Raman University

The Central Library, one of the important central facilities of the Institute has textbooks, Reference books, Conference proceedings, back Volumes and non-book material such as CDROMS and audio tapes. The Central Library procured several e-books in different subject areas. The Library also subscribes to about III Current periodicals.

Special Collection: Digital Library of Dr. C. V. Raman University has access to e-journals from various publishers according to the academic and research environment. As a member of the Library the following resources are accessible to the users. Online journals from

  •  J-gate – Engineering & Technology
  •  J-gate – Social & Management strong
  •  Delnet
  •  Institution of Engineers

As member of DELNET, the users on of Dr. C. V. Raman University Campus can login to network and browse through the various union catalogues as given below. Inter Library Lending (ILL) is an important service provided by the DELNET.

  •  Union Catalogues of Books :An online union catalogue of books available in its member-libraries. The information can be retrieved by author, title, subject, conference, series etc. It has I, II, 16937 bibliographic records.
  •  Union Catalogue of Periodicals:An Union catalogue of periodicals which contains full holdings data of the Libraries.
  •  Union List of Current Periodicals:An Online union list of current periodicals in science and technology, Social Sciences and Humanities. It is a major resources for Document Delivery Services.
  •  Union List of Video Recordings :This is a Database of Video Cassettes available in Delnet member Libraries and has about 5,000 listings.
  •  Union List of Sound Recordings:This union list consists of audio cassette records available in member -Libraries.
  •  Database of Thesis and Dissertations:A database of Thesis and Dissertation submitted to Indian Universities has been started, which covers various subjects.
  •  Union List of Newspapers :The database has 70 records and contains information about the newspaper including titles, name of the editor, published from, E-mail address and also the web address of the INTERNET edition if available on the www Dr. C. V. Raman University Central Library is the Soul of the Institution and it is started acquiring, processing, preserving and disseminating information to the user community with the motto of empowering Knowledge. It will have an extensive collection of books, scientific and technical journals and electronic reference materials which will be updated regularly.

The Library and Information Centre will consist of a Reference Section, Circulation Section, Audio-Visual Section, Periodical Section, Digital Library. The University Library has automated all its library activities to provide effective and wide range of academic resources such as books, journals online databases, DVDs and other useful materials.

Library providing printing, Scanning and photocopying services to all the faculty and students community.

Faculty : Central Library of Dr. C. V. Raman University had done the MOU with Shodhganga of Inflibnet which is a great resource for Research Scholars and faculty for the Promotion of Research Activities.

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