Ph. D. (IT) Programme is a UGC approved minimum duration 3 years including coursework year and maximum 6 years research programme of 18 credits. The Ph. D. (IT) programme at Dr. C. V. Raman University aims to prepare and motivate scholars to research work in the various fields which will be helpful for society. It provides various opportunities to research work the field of industries as well as academics areas
Duration of Program
Level of Study
Ph. D. scholar to understand the methods of research & different computer application in research and apply the knowledge and skills in conducting research work.
The concept and process of research and will able to carry out their research work effectively considering the ethics of research for usefulness of society.
Evaluated method and analysis tools for research development.
Apply BI to solve practical problems.
PO1 : This programme have a thorough knowledge of the literature and a comprehensive understanding of scientific methods and techniques applicable to their own research.
PO2 : This programme develops the ability to critically evaluate current research and research techniques and methodologies.
PO3 : This programme opens the opportunity for the post graduation students in respective stream to start research work in the interesting area which will be helpful for society.
PO4 : This programme creates self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems
PSO1 : This programme is able to demonstrate originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in their field.
PSO2 : This programme is an achievement and a significant for students piece of research.
PSO3 : This programme is able to act autonomously in the planning and implementation of research.
PSO4 : This programme have gained oral presentation and scientific writing skills.
PEO1 : An environment that encourages the student’s originality and creativity in their research.
PEO2 : A period of sustained in-depth study of a specific topic.
PEO3 : Publishing the results of their research in high-profile scientific journals, through constructive feedback of written work and oral presentations.